NEXT MEETING — WEDNESDAY – MAY 30 – 615 – 745 @ PARKINSON!! See you there!!
UPDATE…. May 16 – 2012
We had an enthusiastic group of dads at the first ever Dad Vibe meeting — The excitement has inspired me to put together a bi-monthly dad’s night — the fellas thought twice a month was good to start — there will be an open forum to talk about situations, issues, and topics about being a great dad… (discipline vs. punishment (Discipline teaches… punishment hurts) – parenting after separation, sibling rivalry, etc.)
More details to follow!!! Keep your Wednesdays CLEAR!!!
Original POST…
After the incredible success of the biggest Father Daughter Dance ever this past Sunday night (131 super fun dads), we want to strike while the DAD iron is HOT!
So, we are gathering the greatest Dads in the Okanagan for a night of inspiration, laughs, support, and ideas.
This Wednesday Night – May 9 – Parkinson Rec Centre – Boardroom – 6:15-7:45pm (still home for Bedtime!) – plenty of food and snacks/drinks…
I want to get these incredible dads in one room and brainstorm how best to reach, support, educate, and inspire the dads of the Okanagan.
What issues are dads facing today? Stress? Relationship strife? Work/life balance? Divorce? Full time Dad/Part time kids? “how to deal with ‘Spirited’ Kids?” How do I NOT parent like my own Dad? How to be the BEST dad ever?
I am currently developing tons of workshops to help dads to learn more tools for the toolbox of parenting… I need to know what issues you might be facing… what would you like to learn more about?
You are already an involved Dad — please come out and help start the ball rolling on something very exciting for the families of the Okanagan – especially the children! Be a part of the movement!! Meet some other cool dudes – leave with inspiration and ideas for your own family!
I know life is always very busy, but your bond with your children is also KILLER important!
I really hope to see you there!
Please let me know if you can’t be there this Wednesday but are interested in this idea and/or future meetings and/or events! (enough and/ors eh??)
Hi Jeff, looking forward to your workshop! I have a 2 yr old son and a new born daughter so I am still a bit of a rookie parent. Being a father is an amazing gift. I want to make sure my kids always walk down the path knowing I am right there for them.
Hi Jeff – this is totally cool! I love the concept. I’m out of town but count me in for next one.