There are not many quick fixes for parenting, but I think this little gem is easy and quick and can change things immensely… OKAY?

Try to NOT say OKAY at the end sentences when directing your children.

Take a day and count the number of times OKAY is mentioned to a child….  here is a scenario for you – see if this seems familiar – this is the one that I catch myself on the most…

Okay Will, it’s time to put the toys away and brush our teeth for bed OKAY?

HIS ANSWER (before the quick fix) “Um… no, Dad, I don’t think so, I will keeping playing..

Now, this quick fix needs to be delivered properly to be effective…

To be the most effective – you do not need to make it a threat or raise your tone – IT’S TIME TO PUT THE TOYS AWAY AND BRUSH YOUR TEETH!!!!!

No it is best delivered, firmly, in a soft tone – Will, it’s time to put the toys away and brush our teeth…  there, no OKAY, just leave it – let it dangle…

Try it, you’ll be amazed at the results…

You must be present and aware of all things that have led to this situation.  Will you get 100% compliance?  Of course not, this is parenting, but you will keep your cool and the illusion of being in control….

Remember, the only person you can control is YOU – can you control your spouse?  Children?  Of course not….

So give up your need to control others… you will become a better parent… Okay?